Tuesday 17 May 2011

This is new for me: Review time - Graze Nibble Box

oooh! What's in my box?
I recently got a discount for a Graze box. By discount, I mean one free one and one half price so I thought I would give it a go. The website can be found here. After looking at the site, I decided to go for the 'nibble box' once a week. There are two types of boxes: nibble and nutritional, where you choose from only the most nutritional choices.  I actually got my first box last week, but I was so excited I didn't wait to take any pictures.
It's all a load of nuts. The inside of my Graze box

I was quite surprised by a thump it made as it fell through the letter box: yes, it fits through the letter box. The length is less than a side of A4 paper. but as can be seen, there is four pots of snacks. This week they were all nuts from firey cashews to pistachios and almond mixture as I love nuts, but there is a wide range of of other things including dried fruit and nut mixes (some with chocolate!), seeds, foccacia and flapjacks. Over all there is more than one hundred things to choose from. And even better, if you tell them you don't like it, then you won't get it. Any thing else, and it is a free for all, a random choice every week. But if you really love something, again, rate it and you will get it more often.

It tastes good too, and I found a box lasted me a couple of days as afternoon and morning snacks. They post first class as many times a week as there are Royal Mail deliveries. And they arrive when they say they will. I must admit, I was wondering if it would be late but so far it's been great.

Onto the prices. Normally a box is £3.49, but on the website at the minute, there is an offer to get the first box at half price.

I like Graze. The packaging is all recycled and recyclable - even the plastic and the information booklet. The snacks taste good and it is something I think I will carry on with. £3.50 a week is quite a good price to 'eat more healthy food (fewer biscuits)'

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