Saturday 18 October 2008


Hya! Sorry about the gap between the posts. I would say I was busy, but to tell the truth, that would be a lie. I haven't been terribly busy at all. (well, not too busy to write a post, at least).
Today is a friend's birthday. And she has come up with the clever idea of adding all the numbers in your age up. So today, she is nine. And all of this year, I am two.

This explains to me why at certain ages, like when people goto university, people's mental ages seem to lower, sometimes dramatically. I know mine did. I came to uni, and I can enjoy far more childish things now than I did. But then I did go from ten to two when I had my twentieth birthday.

Anyway, my friend is having a party this evening. And because it is her ninth birthday, we are having a proper party for her. With Jelly, and ice cream, and cake, and not to mention the trifle. And so, for an evening we shall regress into a childish state and revel in it. Because we all love to be young again, if only for a short while. Why is this? Because it brings back the memories of our childhood. And gives us a chance to be nostalgic.

I writing this and remembering one of my birthdays, I'm not sure which one where I was promised a barbecue by my parents. The day came, and I was all excited about it, and it tipped it down. Absolute buckets it was. So my dad took an umbrella, stood out in the rain, and cooked the meat whilst my friends and I played in the living room. I have often thought that I have an amazing dad, and this pretty much confirms it for me.

I am happy today. Cheerful. Looking forwards to this evening, and I've had a fairly relaxing day. So I sang in the shower. Loudly. I take this opportunity to apologise to my flat mates, should they read this. Why is it that people do this? Why, when a lot of people refuse to sing anywhere else (I am not one of those, by the way.) will they sing in the shower? I personally have no idea. But maybe it is the water. Do I think it makes my voice sound nicer? Maybe it does. Maybe it is the lack of audience. Actually, that last one will probably clench it for a lot of people. But what do people sing? Personally, I've sang quite quite a wide range. from Queen to the Seekers, to Steeleye Span, and on occaision, the odd bit of Bach and Beethoven. Well, hummed. But by far the largest collection of songs that I've sang, both in and out of the shower is WWI and II songs. And I have no idea why. This morning, a friend put the tune for The Quartermaster's Store in my head. been humming it ever since. But yes. I wonder why I sing so much of the war stuff. because I really don't know. This is a mystery. And mysteries are what keep us going as a race. Whats out there? How can we find out?

Reach for the stars! You might just catch the moon.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Regression as you enter uni is a definite phenomenon. I mean, I still stand by what I said with the whole 80's TV shows as a conversation starter.
And I reckon that singing in the shower is good because there's a bit of an echo so you can hear yourself, but the water falling does something to your voice. You can't hit a note wrong, your timing is impeccable and it's alomst impossible to take a music player in there, so you can't hear if you get the lyrics or beat wrong.

It's like singing in the car, but that has its own advantages. Mainly the engine noise and the fact that you can do whatever the hell you like on account of being sealed in a metal box that's travelling at 70 on the motorway. Ain't nobody going to complain about me singing B*witched songs in there.