Saturday 15 September 2012

Must... write... more...

In all my blogs. I've just been in a funk recently. 

Looking at jobs. 
Applying for them. 
Not hearing anything back. 

And repeat.
And repeat.
And repeat.

It can get a bit wearing.
And repetitive.
And dulling. 

I've been searching for over a year now, And I've had maybe 5 interviews. In a year. It can get a bit depressing. And when it does, you lose sight of the things you enjoy. And then the world gets a little duller again and then you loose the feeling of how you managed to enjoy it. 

And the only way to get over that is to keep doing it until you enjoy it again. So I have. 

Then I was perusing the internet, as one does, and I found this site. which does this:
It's a word cloud from my blog. Word's I've used more often are bigger. Pretty, isn't it! It'll be interesting to see what it looks like in a year...

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