I am not going to get over my religion. I am not going to grow out of it. I am not playing 'games' and I will not come to my senses eventually.
You wouldn't say that that to a Christian. You wouldn't say that to a Muslim, or a Jew. So stop telling me I will. Stop telling me I have have an invalid choice with my life. Stop telling me I'm going to go to hell unless I turn my back on everything I believe and make lip service to something I don't. For one thing, I don't believe in hell. How can I go there? That's not my religion. Stop telling me that my choice of necklace - a pentagram - means that I'm evil, that I'm offending you. Stop saying I'm a satanist. A pentagram is not used as the symbol of satanism. Sometimes, an inverted pentagram is, yes. But mine isn't inverted. Equally often, an inverted cross is used as well. Besides. I don't believe in Satan. That's not my religion.
Stop saying you'll pray for me. I don't need those kind of prayers. If you want to pray that I am happy in my life, or that I get a job, then thank-you. But don't try to save me. Don't give me leaflets, even free bibles when it comes with the comment "...and I hope this helps you come to your senses."
Seriously. I've made my choice. I follow a religion that I am happy with and that fits me and my beliefs and my lifestyle. You have chosen yours. Don't be a dick.
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