Thursday, 7 February 2013

So what did uni do for me?

In 2007 I sarted my degree. Medical genetics. There were loads of jobs going, and the economy was good. Then it wasn't. I graduated in June 2011. It is now 2013. I was applying for 5 jobs a week. I was getting a reply for maybe one a fortnight. I had 3 interviews. Not a month. In a year and a half. And then my nerves took over in a way they didn't throughout my exams, and I botched them.

Things felt pretty bleak there for a while, and I became angry that I had wasted four years at uni. There had been no point whatsoever.

But there was. I learnt about a subject that fascinates me endlessly. If you ever want to see me as more of a flailing mess than usual ask me to explain just what it is about genetics. I can promise I will babble, repeat myself and fall silent at my ineptitude to explain this bright shining thing.

If that wasn't enough, knowledge for the sake of knowing, for the joy of knowing, it acted as a gateway to catapult me into nursing, something I think will give all the job satisfaction I'll ever need.

But the biggest thing I learnt at university, 300 miles from anybody I had ever known, was me. I learnt about myself. I grew into my faith a way I wouldn't have at home, I learnt what makes me a good friend and that people can depend on me if they need to. And I learnt to stand on my own two feet and know that when I need to I can depend on me. I couldn't have done that so close to my family. I wouldn't have given myself a chance.

And you know what? By learning myself I learnt how to let someone love me, even when I don't love myself. So overall, uni was a pretty big thing for me. And it was worth it. Even if I never got a job at the end of things.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Stop it.

I am not going to get over my religion. I am not going to grow out of it. I am not playing 'games' and I will not come to my senses eventually.

You wouldn't say that that to a Christian. You wouldn't say that to a Muslim, or a Jew. So stop telling me I will. Stop telling me I have have an invalid choice with my life. Stop telling me I'm going to go to hell unless I turn my back on everything I believe and make lip service to something I don't. For one thing, I don't believe in hell. How can I go there? That's not my religion. Stop telling me that my choice of necklace - a pentagram - means that I'm evil, that I'm offending you. Stop saying I'm a satanist. A pentagram is not used as the symbol of satanism. Sometimes, an inverted pentagram is, yes. But mine isn't inverted. Equally often, an inverted cross is used as well. Besides. I don't believe in Satan. That's not my religion.

Stop saying you'll pray for me. I don't need those kind of prayers. If you want to pray that I am happy in my life, or that I get a job, then thank-you. But don't try to save me. Don't give me leaflets, even free bibles when it comes with the comment "...and I hope this helps you come to your senses."

Seriously. I've made my choice. I follow a religion that I am happy with and that fits me and my beliefs and my lifestyle. You have chosen yours. Don't be a dick.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Let me make you something...

A couple of days ago I put this up on my facebook status, and I still have a few spaces left. So I thought I'd post it here and run it parallel. 

2013- "pay it forward"! The first 5 people to comment on this status will, in the next calendar year, receive something from me; perhaps a book, an invitation for coffee and cake, a surprise gift. It will happen without warning and entirely when the fancy takes me! The only catch is that you must make the same offer to your friends within your next status update. Here's to 2013 really being filled with all things fabulous for all of you!!

Please comment if you want to take part.