Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Project time!

I really want to write more. And I have no excuse at the moment. Since I am currently unemployed I figure that between watching re-runs of Dr. Who and Sherlock and trying to remember what little Spanish I once knew.

Also I need something to distract me from the fact that I'm going to America in 9 weeks and 5 days. Not that I'm counting or anything.

So I'm going to write more. I don't know if I'm going to write every day or every other day, but any sort of frequency would be better than not posting since February. 

But I don't want to just write non fiction, although that is important too, if I ever manage to get a job in research. I enjoy fiction too and I enjoy being able to write it. but since I don't all too often even bother - I find that the less I have to do - no work or such like - the less I want to do. And the less I want to do means I sit in my armchair and gently moulder. I don't even do that with vigour.

Whilst I'm writing this I'm watching something to do with illegal drugs and some bloke who thinks that they should be decriminalised. I haven't seen the whole series yet but I'm wondering if he knows about Portugal? They decriminalised all drugs back in 2001 and hey presto. 

The amount of secondary school pupils using what would have been class A drugs have dropped to 10%. New HIV infections have dropped nearly 20% and deaths due to drug use have halved. And the number of people seeking help for addiction more than doubled. Before this happened, Portugal had one of the highest rates of hard drug use in the EU.

These statistics make me feel like we should do that here. I can imagine that the political party that proposed it would be slaughtered though. They wouldn't get back into power ever. The original proposer over in Portugal was one brave man.

I've been sidetracked. I wasn't going to talk about that ^_^ I'm not really sure what I was going to talk about. Real stream of consciousness. Just see where it leads I guess.

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