Thursday, 9 July 2009


What do you get when you lose your dreams? Some say reality, others say despair and someone else once told me that to lose your dreams is to face extinction. Either as a race or an individual. Everyone has dreams whether or not they admit it. Where they are now and where they will be in a month, a year, ten years. I know I dream. A lot.

Dreaming is essential to the human race. If we couldn't dream, not only would we not drive forward, but we would also not be able to cope with the real world. It is like the pressure valve that lets us cope with the world when we have to.

Because no-one is truly content. It's true. Even if they think they are there is something, a drive, a dream or a sense of adventure. If they didn't have it they wouldn't bother getting up in the morning, nor looking after themselves.

I believe that without dreams we lose our fight, our drive to improve. To see new things, to talk to new people, to find new ways to look at old things, we'd lose our way forward. We may have dreams but we are inherently lazy. First we forage, then we realised that it is easier to put the plants where we want them, not where they just grow, so we started farming by hand. Then we saw the usefulness in draft animals, and eventually in engines. Ever more efficient, ever easier. Our drive to make things easier for us is what drives us as a race. Our ability to chase dreams is what drives us as individuals.

The two things go hand in hand really. The easier life is the easier it is to dream. The easier it is to dream the easier it is to lose the real world. And lose those who can't dream and fall through the cracks of the world.

Like anything I suppose, dreaming is needed in moderation. Too much water can drown you, and too much heat can burn. Too many dream can make you lose your way and forget the dreams you have made a reality.

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