I've realised, I've been rather remiss in posting recently: My last post was over a fortnight ago. And I have also realised that I have missed it a little. So thats the apologies bit of the title. As for the soup bit...
I have come to the realisation that our oven needs replacing. Badly. Most of my flatmates have gone home this weekend, leaving me and one other to cook for two. Yes. Of course. And it is doable. I used to do it all the time when it was just me and my father. Apparently now I can't.
We decided that on Friday night we would do a chicken and lentil hotpot, and that it would be nice. So we did all the prep, put in maybe a FEW more lentils than we were meant to and put it in the oven for the half hour it said to. We took it out and the vegetables weren't cooked. you needed a hard surface under them to even get the fork to consider stabbing it. so we put it in again for another half an hour, looking at each other, nodding and saying yep. defenatly need to precook the veg next time. And the lentils. Even if it doesn't say to. Half an hour later again, and we took it out. the veg was a little more squishy, but the lentils were crunchy, and lentils are not meant to be crunchy.
So we sat down and tried to eat it. The chicken was nice. And cooked as well. the rest got sent back to the pot, and the pot got put on the hob and cooked. And it looked so much like soup that well, it became soup. Unfortunately, we had to keep adding stock to the lentils could cook, so from a meal that was big for two people, we had something big enough for eleven. Literally. Eleven big bowls of soup we had. A few emergency phonecalls later, and we ate most of it. (by the way, thanks for coming round) But there is still some left in the fridge. so yesterday, we invaded the flat next door. The fish came out all right. They have a shiny new oven. Here's hoping one arrives for us.
But seriously, what really took the biscuit was that we put some pease pudding in as well. An hour it should of taken. Lucky we forgot about it. Over four hours later, and it was only just done.
Sorry about the griping. It is actually fairly amusing now I think on it. At least the kitchen is clean.
I have come to the realisation that our oven needs replacing. Badly. Most of my flatmates have gone home this weekend, leaving me and one other to cook for two. Yes. Of course. And it is doable. I used to do it all the time when it was just me and my father. Apparently now I can't.
We decided that on Friday night we would do a chicken and lentil hotpot, and that it would be nice. So we did all the prep, put in maybe a FEW more lentils than we were meant to and put it in the oven for the half hour it said to. We took it out and the vegetables weren't cooked. you needed a hard surface under them to even get the fork to consider stabbing it. so we put it in again for another half an hour, looking at each other, nodding and saying yep. defenatly need to precook the veg next time. And the lentils. Even if it doesn't say to. Half an hour later again, and we took it out. the veg was a little more squishy, but the lentils were crunchy, and lentils are not meant to be crunchy.
So we sat down and tried to eat it. The chicken was nice. And cooked as well. the rest got sent back to the pot, and the pot got put on the hob and cooked. And it looked so much like soup that well, it became soup. Unfortunately, we had to keep adding stock to the lentils could cook, so from a meal that was big for two people, we had something big enough for eleven. Literally. Eleven big bowls of soup we had. A few emergency phonecalls later, and we ate most of it. (by the way, thanks for coming round) But there is still some left in the fridge. so yesterday, we invaded the flat next door. The fish came out all right. They have a shiny new oven. Here's hoping one arrives for us.
But seriously, what really took the biscuit was that we put some pease pudding in as well. An hour it should of taken. Lucky we forgot about it. Over four hours later, and it was only just done.
Sorry about the griping. It is actually fairly amusing now I think on it. At least the kitchen is clean.
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