Wednesday, 10 October 2012

And this is why I joined the WI

Things are exciting at Tea and Tarts. Not only do we have circus school in December, I'm secretary. That wasn't entirely expected, but it should be fun. And at last month's meeting the Lemony Tart Awards for Extraordinary Woman was launched.

Think Brownies. Think Girl Guides. Think The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Truly, it's an amazing way to try and get our Tarts more active in the institute and (glup) more active as well.
 And this is what I've got to do:

Bronze Award
Try out one of our extracurricular activities: WI Sew Crafty; Beer & Book Club; Talk Club (speakers and lively discussion); Tarts Go Wild (Outward Bound activities).

Learn a new craft and produce a finished product.

 Take part in a Tarts Go Wild challenge of your choosing.

Perfect a cookery/baking technique, we can provide ideas if you’re not sure what to aim for.

Join the Fundraising sub-committee and be an active member. Come up with and carry out a way to raise £10 for our selected charity of the year and £10 for our group fund.

Do something to support your WI – help to set up for or clear away after a monthly meeting; help out with the tea and cake at a meeting; volunteer your time to a fundraising activity; bring along a first time guest; join the Welcome Hostess team and make a first time guest feel at home.

I'm so excited! I was never in the brownies or anything. I was always more interested in my books as a kid. But I did start the D of E bronze award at school. I just didn't do the final hike. Pity.

So since I have to record my work towards the award, I thought I'd do it here as well as in the paper journal. So... 

Fun: I've wanted to go to WI sew crafty for a while but something always happens. And the talk club seems quite interesting, or it will be when it takes off. This is my excuse!

Make: My awards partner and I are going to learn to make soap. 

Sweat: I... don't know yet. I'm gonna haveta think on that one. I don't actually know what's happening with this and I'm meant to be secretary!

Cook: I'd love to learn to make a proper old fashioned gingerbread house like my dad used to make for my sister and I every xmas. I've made cakes galore over the years, but never biscuits or gingerbread.

Fundraise: I'd like to sell the soap I make. And maybe the gingerbread house...

Help: Well, I do teas and coffees a fair amount at the meeting anyway, so I'm sure that won't be a problem.

So that's my plan at the minute. I just need to do it now!