90% fucking awesome, 8% tired, 2% spaced out.
I've started LARP again after two years with my nose pressed against the window looking in hungrily. And compared to the the last event I went to, even though that was pretty good, this one was bloody amazing. It didn't feel like I was time in for 4 days, it felt like 2 at the most. Part of that is that I know more people in the system, (and I know the system!) and I'm more confident in myself and my stupid fear of large crowds of people all breathing all the air and leaving none for me is finally -slowly- getting under control. I won't be getting on the battle field for a couple of years, but the amount of people in the faction is much more dealable now. I don't feel the need to run away and cry in a small space where no-one else is allowed.
Add to that that Leaf is far more fun to play than Sargent Meier ever was, and that rituals are awesome. This character has a lot more roleplay that fighter in her. she isn't a fighter, so I was forced to roleplay. But it was in a friendlier faction, and I actually saw the other factions in character, which I never quite managed to do last time.
I also love the fact that the Hanau Epe are from an area where no one else knows, with a completely different culture, which lead to hour long conversations such as why do you say your name is Jhereg when it is quite clearly X?
I'm actually looking forward to Convocation, as much for time in as for the fact that behind that the faction isn't tearing itself to shreds with backbiting wah. When I realised I didn't have enough money last time to continue from my first event, I wasn't too heart broken. It's a good sign that I am already stupidly excited about the rest of this season.