Sunday, 19 September 2010

Day 9

A quick note on day 8. I've decided to skip this photo as I couldn't think of anything sufficiently impersonal to post about that wasn't too impersonal. So on to day nine.

A photo I took. This was back in halls in my first year of university. One of my housemates collected buttons, and was either showing us them or using them before we went out.

Whilst we were waiting for her to get ready, someone else and I decided to see if we could get them all to stand on edge.

It was one of the more infuriating things I've tried to do. And we couldn't get them all to stand on edge :( This is one of the few pictures I managed to rescue off my phone from that year before it broke.

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Ginger Kitten's Done it Again!

She challenged me. Personalise the alphabet she says.

So here goes.

A = Ale (of the real variety)
B = Bonfire Night (Lewes rules)
C = Cheese Rolling! and Cthulhu
D = Dinosaurs (Rawr says I love you!)
E = Elmer the Elephant (because he's cool)
F = Fudge
G = Genetics (because it's fascinating)
H = Hastings (battle of) Start of the french rule!
I = Icecream (ben and jerries!)
J =jelly! to go with the icecream.
K =kisses and love (awwww...)
L =Lewes (see B)
M = Morris Dancing
N = night time with snuggly blankets
O =Orchids are beautiful flowers
P =Portal!
Q =quack is an amazing sound
R = Rainbows
S = The SEA!
T = Trains, especially steam trains woooWooot!
U = University of Huddersfield (the best in the world!)
V = violin lessons (when I remember)
W =wool
X =that xylophone player who is deaf but can 'hear' the vibrations in her feet.
Y = yetis (rooor!)
Z =Zebrawood, coz it's pretty. google it!

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Day 7

A photo that makes you happy.
I love this photo. It says everything you need to know about border morris really. A stick in one hand and a pint in the other :)
If you're ever down south, go see them.
I can't remember exactly where this photo was taken, but it was near a pub! Although, with hunters Moon, and morris dancer in general, come to think on it, thats a fairly safe assumption. This is the proof that I really am a folky, honest, because once you are in this deep, you're never getting out of it. Although, if I'm gonna start dancing again, with anyone, I need to get a bit fitter first^^

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Day 6

20 of my favourite things.

1. Vanilla Rooibos tea.
2. Books
3. Languages, there are so many I want to learn. both that played and playing it myself. I play the flute, and am trying to learn the violin, and I'd love to learn the concertina when I can afford it.
6.crochet (and they're not the same thing!)
7.Science! it's amazing (espically genetics:p)
8.Folk Festivals
9.Apple juice (fermented and not fermented)
10.My imagination
11.fairy stories
12.My friends- They're all pretty amazing
18.The sea
19.chocolate :)
20.My fiancée

These aren't in any perticular order...

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Day 5

My favourite quote.

As mentioned in the last post, The start of the last chapter in Jane Eyre

"Reader, I married him"

is one that never fails to stick in my memory. Also, another one that is stuck in my head from Sabriel,

"Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?"

edited for an overheard conversation:
"I'm not saying your head is about to explode..."

Day 4

My favourite book.

This is worse than music or films, or anything else. I am a prolific reader, and have been for years.

That saying, when I first started reading, I would only read the famous five for a long long time. Then my uncle and my dad gave me one of Anne MacCaffery's books.- Dragon Song I think it was. Since then, well I read a lot of Science Fiction. The best series there is David Webber's Honorverse. The first one is On Basilisk Station, and now there is a wealth of books set in and around the Honorverse.

Pure Space Opera.

Science Fiction led, quite naturally for me, to fantasy. And my alltime favourite author there is Mercedes Lackey. I've not yet found one of hers I don't like, but the tales of 500 kingdoms and her rewrites of common fairy stories like snow white and cinderella are well worth a read. Also in fantasy is Diane Duane's Young Wizard series, starting with So You Want To Be A Wizard. I read the first three in secondary school and I've been so hooked I've actually gone out and bought them in hardback when they were published. I do that for very few books. There are nine in that series so far and another two in the same universe. As an added bonus, Diane Duane does Star Trek novels as well :)

Another few books I like: PS I love you. It chokes me up every time. As does Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper. Mary Stewart's Thornyhold I've read so much pages are falling out of it. Back to Sci Fi, and Harry Turtledove's The Case Of the Toxic Spell Dump is incredibly well written with magic replacing science. But the magic is science. Mansfield Park is another book I read over and over again, as is Garth Nix's Abhorsen Series: Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen. And of course, I can't forget the wonder that is Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes.

But probably, my favourite books: there has to be three, are Jane Eyre which just feels timeless and has the one line I most remember from a book. 'Reader, I married him.' And the other story is the first one in another series: Jasper Fford's The Eyre Affair. This book makes me laugh out loud no matter where I am, which has ended with me getting some strange looks on the train and bus, and it is just a book lovers' inside joke the whole way through the series. I first read it in 2004 when I was on a narrowboat holiday, so there are fond memories there as well.

These two books, along with Rudyard Kipling's complete collection of verse are the three books I take with me no matter where I move, and if I was only allowed to save three books, it would be these.

This post was made a lot harder by the fact that, in my teens, I decided to read the entirety of the BBC's Big Read list, the 100 favourite books of the nation. I'm still slogging at it. It shall not defeat me.

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Day 3

My favourite TV program:
Probably Doctor Who. And the new Sherlock Holmes. They please me, and apart from the odd Documentary, I don't actually watch all that much telly. I'm far more of a book person.

There is not really much I can say about the TV, so I'll leave with this thought. If dinosaurs could drive, would a T-Rex need a disabled car because of his arms?

Friday, 10 September 2010

Day 2

My favourite Movie. Oh lord.
Sister Act. I or II I don't mind. I adore them. Whoopie Goldburg is, to my mind, amazing. Rat Race ain't bad either.
Also Pan's Labyrinth for something a little more serious. That movie was inspired. And The Labyrinth. Ummm... David Bowie's crotch (or codpiece, you decide.) Labyrinth has some good music. And if you want a chuckle, Mel Brooks is good for a laugh. Try High Anxiety. Or Robin Hood Men In Tights and the classic Blazing Saddles.
Musical wise, West Side Story is something I inherited off my dad, And The Phantom of the Opera I was introduced to by an amazing and long time friend who is currently pretending to be an American. Speaking of Americans, An American in Paris is really rather good as well. In fact I like most of the old musicals.
And that leads me onto my secret (well, not so secret) passion. Old war films. To name a few, The Dambusters, The Great Escape (and Chicken Run) U451, and that one about the man who designs the new war planes and the last thing he sees before he dies is one flying overhead. I never can remember the name of that one. And there are lots more, but this post will be stupidly long if I don't stop now :)

Thursday, 9 September 2010

stolen from my lovely friend...

... over at
This is a 30 day quiz. Each day you write about different things with the schedule as follows:

Day 1 – your favourite song
Day 2 – your favourite movie
Day 3 – your favourite television program
Day 4 – your favourite book
Day 5 – your favourite quote
Day 6 – 20 of my favourite things
Day 7 – a photo that makes you happy
Day 8 – a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 – a photo you took
Day 10 – a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 – a photo of you recently
Day 12 – something you are OCD about
Day 13 – a fictional book
Day 14 – a non-fictional book
Day 15 – your dream house
Day 16 – a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 – an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 – my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 – a talent of yours
Day 20 – a hobby of yours
Day 21 – a recipe
Day 22 – a website
Day 23 – a YouTube video
Day 24 – where I live
Day 25 – your day, in great detail
Day 26 – your week, in great detail
Day 27 – my worst habit
Day 28 – whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 – hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 – a dream for the future

Soooooo Day 1.

My favourite song.
It all depends what mood I'm in. When I'm working, it's Mozart's Horn Concertos. I love them. they're amazing to work to.
Otherwise, there's a whole host of them. Harvey Andrew's The British Soldier just seems to sum up the troubles in a way nothing else I've heard does. Then there's Frank Turner's Long Live the Queen , or indeed any of his, but that one... It's about his friend, and when you listen to it, and watch the video on YouTube, you can tell that they were friends. Jim Morey's Leaving Australia and I'll Go List For a Sailor- in fact all of his Low Culture album is good. As is Imagined Village. Amazing Album. It was described to me as folk gone wrong. Maddy Prior and the Girls: I've listened to that so many times I know it word for word. The Great Divide is the best there I think. Who else? David Bowie, Steeleye Span, La Oreja De Van Gogh... so so many. It's hard to choose just one. But my all time favourite song is actually not a song. It's George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue. That's my Pick-me-up-calm-me-down piece that I can never get bored of. The clarinet at the start and the rushing of the piano...