Earth View from Africa-sat1
picture taken on the17th Aug. about 5ish in the evening.
Take a look at the link above. The earth. Taken from a satellite orbiting the earth. Now, when I saw it, it was in darkness, except for the creeping dawn line on the right of the picture. In other words, it looked like a crescent moon. And that got me thinking again of old childhood fantasies and wishful thinkings. Now, when I was younger, like many other children, I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to go in to space, work on the ISS, the Hubble, see the stars without atmosphere getting in the way (apparently, it's an amazing sight). And most of all, stand on the moon.
And, I saw that, and realised, actually, I still want to be up there. I want to stand on the moon and look at the earth, as it now, and I want to see it changing. I want to see what it will be like ten, twenty, fifty years down the line.
So many of us have dreams we give up without a fight. We dismiss them as fantasies and pipe dreams and carry on with what we consider reality with out a backwards look. Most of the time anyway. Sometimes you stop and think. What if... What if I had pursued my dream? Finished my A-levels, gone on to aeronautical training, applied to NASA or ESA? Where would I be now?
Well, a lot fitter for one and I wouldn't have had the chance to meet all the truly amazing people I have up here. Would it have been the right choice? what would I have done whilst I was groundside? And after I was too old to fly anymore. This crosses my mind sometimes, but usually it is just the silence, the beauty, and the fact that I can't imagine it that keeps it boiling away in the back of my mind. Maybe being in space is my pipe dream, but you can be sure, given the opportunity, I would do it.
But that's what dreams are for. To help us reach for more. To advance and evolve as a race and an individual. We just have to be sure that in reaching for our dreams, we don't miss what we have in our reality.
Grab your dream and hang on hard.
But be sure to keep a hand free for reality.
picture taken on the17th Aug. about 5ish in the evening.
Take a look at the link above. The earth. Taken from a satellite orbiting the earth. Now, when I saw it, it was in darkness, except for the creeping dawn line on the right of the picture. In other words, it looked like a crescent moon. And that got me thinking again of old childhood fantasies and wishful thinkings. Now, when I was younger, like many other children, I wanted to be an astronaut. I wanted to go in to space, work on the ISS, the Hubble, see the stars without atmosphere getting in the way (apparently, it's an amazing sight). And most of all, stand on the moon.
And, I saw that, and realised, actually, I still want to be up there. I want to stand on the moon and look at the earth, as it now, and I want to see it changing. I want to see what it will be like ten, twenty, fifty years down the line.
So many of us have dreams we give up without a fight. We dismiss them as fantasies and pipe dreams and carry on with what we consider reality with out a backwards look. Most of the time anyway. Sometimes you stop and think. What if... What if I had pursued my dream? Finished my A-levels, gone on to aeronautical training, applied to NASA or ESA? Where would I be now?
Well, a lot fitter for one and I wouldn't have had the chance to meet all the truly amazing people I have up here. Would it have been the right choice? what would I have done whilst I was groundside? And after I was too old to fly anymore. This crosses my mind sometimes, but usually it is just the silence, the beauty, and the fact that I can't imagine it that keeps it boiling away in the back of my mind. Maybe being in space is my pipe dream, but you can be sure, given the opportunity, I would do it.
But that's what dreams are for. To help us reach for more. To advance and evolve as a race and an individual. We just have to be sure that in reaching for our dreams, we don't miss what we have in our reality.
Grab your dream and hang on hard.
But be sure to keep a hand free for reality.